Teachers' collaboration


Develop an action plan


NAME: Diana Rodríguez Domínguez

AGE GROUP/S YOU TEACH: upper primary

SUBJECT/S YOU TEACH:English, language, Maths


1.     I would like to practice collaborative learning in the classroom, and also with the other teachers, especially with Music and Science teachers. In my opinion, working together we can achieve our goals with the students better. And this way, students will be more involved in the task, and they will find a meaningful learning.

Taking into consideration all the different aspects described in the course, I was aware of the importance of collaboration among teachers. In my case, I would like to develop a strategy where we work all together: the music teacher, the science one and me as the English teacher.



In the English classroom, I will teach them “have got” verb and how to use it, and we will practice this structure with the topic of the animals and their body parts. It will help students to familiarise themselves with this vocabulary and facilitate their acquisition. That way, where the teacher of Science develops this topic in the class, the students will already understand the vocabulary, because they are learning it in the English class, and the learning process will be more meaningful and easier. 

Finally, how can we relate this topic with Music subject? Well, as in the music class they mainly work on rhythm and these sorts of things; the Music teacher will practice rhythm with the graphemes of this vocabulary words with the students. They will use songs, poems (clapping their hands, using instruments…)… always bearing in mind the correct pronunciation and intonation of the words.

       From my point of view, when we connect subjects, students feel the need of using the contents and they feel motivated to put what they know into practice. Sometimes students are demotivated due to the lack of use in those contents they learn. They do not see a real purpose, and the opposite, where their use is clear and real they are motivated to learn it and to put it into practice. This fact can be seen, where we explained contents they have already known; they feel excited, and they feel the need of saying aloud that they know that, and they even say who was the teacher who taught it and how he/she did it.

