

Develop an action plan


NAME:Paloma Díaz Ramos

AGE GROUP/S YOU TEACH:  lower primary

SUBJECT/S YOU TEACH: English, Arts, Maths, Language  Natural and Social Science

I would like to focus on mind maps. I have chosen this aspect of learning because the sooner they learn to create mind maps, the better they can organise information better.

Mind maps help our students not only to organise information(text level) but also to construct sentences (sentence level).


2.     First, I would introduce mind maps through Natural Science. I would use the topics related to animals or plants.

Second, I would continue using mind maps in Social Science. I would use topics related to works or the Earth.

Third, I would continue using mind maps in language. This is very important because it is in Spanish and it can be very useful to learn and study.


It is very important to collaborate with other teachers. If I am not teaching language, I will ask the teacher to teach mind maps in language at the same time as I do.

I can also ask music teacher to use mind maps in class. I am sure mind maps can be useful in music concepts.


To finish with, I will ask the teachers in upper primary courses to collaborate and continue the same learning aspect. It is very important that our students are conscious of continuity in primary levels. Collaboration with other colleagues is the basis of success in education.


The most important aspect of learning new skills to different areas of knowledge is that our students will be able to succeed in learning.

When we teach new skills that are good to different areas, our students can see that learning is useful and easy.


Students are willing to learn tricks to learn. When we give them some useful and simple ways to study and organise information, they start to be independent students. They feel happy and proud of themselves when they can work on their own learning and what is more, learning in another language.
