
 Develop an action plan


NAME: Rafael De las Heras Martín




I’m considering suggesting an in-class observation exchange to one of my colleagues from the British Council. This would partly help us both meet our students’ needs (especially, mine), and close the gap between my grade and hers.


We will choose a 4-y.o. class where my colleague will come to observe me teach. In addition, I will watch my colleague do her job in the corresponding 5-y.o. class, to which my 4-y.o. class will move up next year. This can be done during one of our planning periods, since we both have several of these periods per week, and they take place at times when the other happens to be teaching. We will provide each other with feedback based on our observations. Feedback should be positive, constructive, and respectful.


In my colleague’s case, she will be able to observe what my instruction is missing, so that my students can be successful when moving up with her next year. She will also take advantage of my strengths as an educator and put it into practice in her classroom. As far as I’m concerned, I will observe my colleague and her students, and take them as the objective my students need to reach.


Students will benefit from these observations both without delay, as well as over a long period of time. Shortly, learners will be instructed using a wider range of techniques and methodologies we will acquire from each other. In the long run, chances are students will close the achievement gap they currently find when moving from one grade to the next.
